
Bloodwork & Physical

Bloodwork within the past 6 months is required to begin treatment. If you are transferring to us from another clinic, we can accept your latest bloodwork. Please note a physical is optional.

There are two options for obtaining bloodwork: 

  1. Use an online bloodwork service to request the bloodwork (much faster and easier)
  2. Visit your primary care provider and request the bloodwork

Click the tabs below for more instructions and information.

  • 1 - Online Bloodwork

  • 2 - Primary Care Provider Bloodwork


  • Physical

You can request and schedule your bloodwork online through Private MD Labs. 

Note: The "Basic" tests are sufficient for obtaining the information required for treatment. The "Comprehensive" tests are available if you would like to know more from your blood tests. The "On Protocol" tests are only for existing Hormonesforme clients who are checking their existing protocol effectiveness.

Don't worry, your Customer Care Coordinator will be with you to help every step of the way. When you obtain the results of the blood panel, you can upload them to our patient portal, or to your Customer Care Coordinator.

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